medflex 0.6-10 (2023-06-22)
- Issue related to changes to residualPlot.neModel and residualPlots.neModel (in version 0.6-9) fixed (special thanks to Yves Rosseel for diagnosing and fixing)
medflex 0.6-9
- Errors and warnings in residualPlot.expData, residualPlots.expData, residualPlot.neModel and residualPlots.neModel (due to changes in the car package) fixed (thanks to Sandy Weisberg for diagnosing and helping out)
medflex 0.6-8
- Issue with neWeight function using VGAM::vglm with family = multinomial solved (cf github issue #15)
- neWeight function and xFit argument in neModel function now compatible with family = uninormal specification (VGAM::vglm function) ("gaussianff" was deprecated)
medflex 0.6-7 (2020-08-03)
- neEffdecomp no longer fails when covariate name is substring of outcome name (cf github issue #13)
medflex 0.6-6 (2018-09-03)
- Scoping issue solved (cf github issue #14)
medflex 0.6-5
- neWeight function is now compatible with SuperLearner with family = binomial
medflex 0.6-4 (2017-09-15)
- First byte-compiled version
- Correction of example in neImpute help files with binary exposure (should be explicitly coded as factor!)
- Issue with bootstrap and data.frame named 'data' solved (github issue #8)
- Issue with family specification for propensity score model solved (github issue #11)
- Issue with special terms of formula of vgam function solved (github issue #12)
medflex 0.6-3
- Added compatibility with magrittr's forward-pipe operator '%>%'
- Issue with scoping solved (cf github issue #6)
medflex 0.6-2
- Error when running neEffdecomp on a neModel-object that represents a population-average natural effect model: fixed (cf github issue #7)
medflex 0.6-1 (2017-02-22)
- Added flexibility with formula argument (in order to mimick glm function's behavior) (cf github issue #2)
- Compatibility with tbl_df function from dplyr package (cf github pull request #3)
- Bug fixed when using vglm function from VGAM package in (i) neImpute: returned imputed outcomes on scale of link function instead of mean outcome scale (use of predictvglm instead of predict.vglm in order for type = "response" to be properly specified), (ii) neWeight and (iii) neModelEst (when specifying xFit): either returned incorrect weights or error (same reason as for neImpute) (cf github issue #4)
medflex 0.6-0 (2015-09-13)
- Compatibility with mice and mitools packages for multiple imputation (see vignette for documentation and example)
- Sandwich estimator now also accommodates settings with missingness only in the outcome (requires MAR assumption for imputation-based approach on all cases and MCAR assumption for weighting-based approach on complete cases): no more error returned
- Goodness-of-fit tools added: convenience functions residualPlot and residualPlots from the car package can now also be used on expData-class and neModel-class objects to assess model adequacy of the working model(s) and natural effect models, respectively.
- Error when name of the mediator variable is a substring of the name of the exposure variable ("The original mediator variables should not be included in the natural effect model!"): fixed
- Warning about model uncongeniality when name of the exposure variable is a substring of the name of the mediator variable (cf mail correspondence with CY 08/07/2015): bug fixed
medflex 0.5-1 (2015-07-01)
- Error/bug when using factor() terms in neEffdecomp: fixed
- neWeight now returns a warning when trying to specify more than one mediator (e.g. 'nMed = 2'), as joint mediated effects are only implemented for the imputation-based approach.
- Coding error for outcome variable 'UPB' in UPBdata dataset: fixed (up to version 0.5-0 'UPB' was a binary variable indicating whether the individual reported having displayed at least 4 events of unwanted pursuit behavior; while it stated to indicate whether the individual reported having displayed any unwanted pursuit behavior(s) towards the ex-partner)
medflex 0.5-0 (2015-02-07)
- Robust standard errors based on the sandwich estimator as alternative for bootstrap SEs (option 'se = "robust"' in neModel function)
- Advanced options for effect decomposition (neEffdecomp function now allows to specify reference exposure levels and covariate levels via 'xRef' and 'covLev' arguments, respectively)
- Additional option to weight for multicategorical variables (either via inverse-probability-of-treatment weighting for multivariate exposures or via ratio-of-mediator-probability weighting for multivariate mediators) using 'vglm' from the 'VGAM' package as model fitting function
- Vignettes with more details added
- Ratio-of-mediator-probability weights can be extracted from the expanded dataset object via 'weights' function
- Minor changes to UPBdata (different versions of variables + variable 'initiator' added)
- Bugs in neEffdecomp fixed: error returned if imputation model did not contain covariates, 'ci.type' argument can now be specified
- Bug in Anova() applied to neModel object fixed